Let's Get Started...
Hi, my name is Dawn and I am a Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher. I began my educational journey not straight out of college like most but rather as a second career. As I look back, I remember wanting to be a teacher ever since I left Ms. Galbreath’s first grade class. Something in her inspired me and off I went recreating a classroom in my bedroom with imaginary students. Somewhere around high school I decided I loved fashion more than education. I went to Central Michigan University and received my bachelor’s degree in Clothing and Textiles. After college I moved straight to Los Angeles to get started in the fashion industry. I worked at an apparel manufacturer in design/product development and loved every minute of it. Then life threw me a curve ball and I found myself in a new city with no career prospects. At the time, the thought of teaching came to mind. I searched out the local high schools and found myself a new career.
I decided to begin blogging as an avenue to share my expertise, creative teaching and my love for fashion. I love Family and Consumer Sciences education. I believe in its core mission and the importance of it in today’s society. My educational philosophy tends to lean towards the constructivism viewpoint. Therefore, my approach to teaching is hands on with a high level of engagement. I am a creative thinker and I approach life with a bit of a twist.
I will be blogging about all things fashion with a side of education. I will also share creative classroom projects and assignments; research based teaching approaches, DIY classroom projects, connecting industry with the classroom and favorite resources.
Another one of my main goals is to create a collaborative culture and place where teachers and others who are interested can discuss, share, comment, and ultimately learn from another. Providing feedback through email or posting comments will be helpful in guiding the direction this blog will take. I will do my best to respond with content that will be inspiring, helpful, and will seek to strengthen and deepen your practice. I will leave the challenge to my reader’s to share their struggles and strengths in the hopes we as a community can become better teachers and learners in education.